"Very well organized…very constructive manner … well planned and consistent…clear concern for students, excellent … effectiveness … well-directed …strong background of experience … very precise …" ... Working with the team members in this class has also been an invaluable experience. I am glad to have been a part of this class and this program ... Thank you Professor, this has been a challenging and rewarding class. I would like to personally thank you for your efforts in teaching and guiding us throughout this course. Thank you for your feedback and support. You are indeed an inspiration to me. I shared my experiences with my kids, trying hard to continue to use positive thinking to reinforce their behavior towards a positive educational development, as I have been going through with your guidance. Professor, thank you so much for this enriching learning experience. I really enjoyed your class. As student, I profoundly appreciate your rapid response to all our questions. Your teaching style makes a great difference in our students and professional lives. This class has provided a supply of must-have information that I can take with me to work and can also use at home. I feel that change management should also be part of the business-training environment. Thank you, class and thank you professor! I appreciated my learning teammates and how flexible and professional they were. I have enjoyed the discussions we've had and the lectures and insights Professor has provided. Thanks again to all and good luck! Professor thanks for sharing your knowledge with us. Your lectures and websites added a new dimension to the course and increased what I got out of it. To my classmates… thanks for some very interesting conversations and for sharing your personal experiences. As you know, that is often the foundation of learning ... Good luck to everyone with whatever the future holds for you. The World needs more instructors like this one! … The only thing I wish could be changed is for the class to be longer …. As I approach my final classes I continue to be impressed with the knowledge, abilities, and wisdom of the instructors. Professor - what a GEM!! He is professional, charismatic and empowering! Is there anything this guy doesn't know??? As students …. Our words cannot express how fortunate we feel to have the privilege to learn from such prestigious and encouraging instructors such as Professor. To Professor … Thank you for raising the bar …. Professor provided a good blending of theory, case studies, and techniques for practical application on a weekly basis. When all team members are fully engaged in process and take responsibility for themselves and the team, the learning team environment is a joyful learning experience, where each challenges and supports each other at the same time. This class exceeded my expectations--the instructor was outstanding; this was probably the most valuable class experience of all Professor encouraged me to continue, and helped me along the way with emotional support. …. the instructor never stopped believing in me. Thank you Professor. Yours is a name I will not soon forget. |